Tech News

Exciting News About OpenAI’s Sora Text-to-Video Generator

Introduction of Sora

  • Sora, capable of creating lifelike scenes from text, was initially showcased in February.
  • Initially, the tool was limited to visual artists, designers, and filmmakers, but some Sora-generated videos found their way onto platforms like X.

Availability Of OpenAI’s Sora Text-to-Video Generator

Future Enhancements

  • OpenAI plans to incorporate audio, aiming to enhance the realism of the scenes.
  • Users will also have the ability to edit the content in the videos Sora produces, addressing concerns about accuracy.

Training Data and Partnership

  • Murati didn’t disclose specific data sources but mentioned publicly available or licensed data.
  • Content from Shutterstock, with which OpenAI has a partnership, is confirmed to be used.

Cost Considerations

  • Sora is said to be more expensive to power compared to previous models.
  • OpenAI aims to keep the tool’s costs similar to DALL-E, their text-to-image model, upon release.

Examples of Generated Videos

  • The Wall Street Journal’s report showcases various examples, including an animated bull in a China shop and a mermaid smartphone reviewer.

Concerns and Safeguards

  • With increasing concerns about misinformation, Sora won’t likely produce images of public figures.
  • Videos will have watermarks to distinguish them, although this may not be a foolproof solution.
  • OpenAI plans to incorporate audio, aiming to enhance the realism of the scenes.
  • Users will also have the ability to edit the content in the videos Sora produces, addressing concerns about accuracy.


In summary, the upcoming release of OpenAI’s Sora Text-to-Video Generator marks a big step forward in AI-based content creation. Sora can create very realistic scenes from written instructions, showing how AI technology keeps improving. We’re excited for it to become available to everyone, especially considering future improvements and costs. Sora could change how we make and watch videos. However, we need to be careful about misinformation and use safeguards with powerful AI like Sora. It’s a reminder of the responsibility that comes with advancing technology in our digital world.


What is OpenAI’s Sora Text-to-Video Generator?

OpenAI’s Sora Text-to-Video Generator is an innovative artificial intelligence tool designed to convert written text into lifelike video scenes automatically.


Mithilesh Jha is a graduate in Medical Science, a passionate learner, Blogger & a Youtuber. He has been working and writing content for many years and he believes that technology is the future.

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